Increased concern for the environment has forced plant operators to pay more attention to the small drips and leaks common to control and shutoff valves. Environmental laws have mandated that plant operators be accountable for all fugitive emissions originating at the facility. To effectively report and limit emissions, facility operators must have a reliable way of testing valves and other components for leakage.
Brooks low flow thermal mass flow meters provide a simple and accurate method of testing flow components for outboard leakage. Regulated air or helium is used to pressurize the valve under test. The Brooks 5860E will precisely measure any leakage at the valve stem. With no moving parts, the mass flow meter is well suited for this type of test since it can safely be over range during the pressurization phase and still measure very low flows.
The 0151 power supply is ideal for this application since it can be calibrated to read directly into engineering units. This simplifies the recording of leak rates.
A model 5848 filter is suggested as inexpensive insurance against accuracy degradation due to contamination.
The Brooks Model 8601 pressure regulator is used to provide a precise final stage of pressure regulation.
The simplicity and small size of these components makes them perfect for panel mounting in an instrument shop or maintenance shed. The set-up can also be mounted on a cart or box for use in the field.